REXASI-PRO domain has been hijacked!

The REXASI-PRO official webpage is hosted by one of the partners to guarantee a longer availability of the website. We decided to register this domain to raise awareness on domain hijacking. No one has been hacked here ;) and no one can abuse the domain!

You can visit the real REXASI-PRO website HERE.

What is Domain Hijacking ?

Domain hijacking, also known as domain theft, involves illicitly altering the registration of a domain name without the consent of its original registrant or through the misuse of privileges within domain hosting and registrar software systems. After a successful hijacking, the hijacker can use the domain name to facilitate other illegal activity such as phishing, where a website is replaced by an identical website that records private information such as log-in passwords, spam, or may distribute malware from the perceived “trusted” domain.

You can learn more about domain hijacking on Wikipedia.